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Effect of Network Architecture on Burst and Spike Synchronization in A Scale-Free Network of Bursting Neurons

机译:网络体系结构对a中突发和尖峰同步的影​​响   无爆炸神经元网络



We investigate the effect of network architecture on burst and spikesynchronization in a directed scale-free network (SFN) of bursting neurons,evolved via two independent $\alpha-$ and $\beta-$processes. The$\alpha-$process corresponds to a directed version of the Barab\'{a}si-AlbertSFN model with growth and preferential attachment, while for the$\beta-$process only preferential attachments between pre-existing nodes aremade without addition of new nodes. We first consider the "pure"$\alpha-$process of symmetric preferential attachment (with the same in- andout-degrees), and study emergence of burst and spike synchronization by varyingthe coupling strength $J$ and the noise intensity $D$ for a fixed attachmentdegree. Characterizations of burst and spike synchronization are also made byemploying realistic order parameters and statistical-mechanical measures. Next,we choose appropriate values of $J$ and $D$ where only the burstsynchronization occurs, and investigate the effect of the scale-freeconnectivity on the burst synchronization by varying (1) the symmetricattachment degree and (2) the asymmetry parameter (representing deviation fromthe symmetric case) in the $\alpha-$process, and (3) the occurrence probabilityof the $\beta-$process. In all these three cases, changes in the type and thedegree of population synchronization are studied in connection with the networktopology such as the degree distribution, the average path length $L_p$, andthe betweenness centralization $B_c$. It is thus found that not only $L_p$ and$B_c$ (affecting global communication between nodes) but also the in-degreedistribution (affecting individual dynamics) are important network factors foreffective population synchronization in SFNs.
机译:我们研究网络结构对爆发神经元的定向无标度网络(SFN)中的爆发和峰值同步的影响,该过程通过两个独立的$ \ alpha- $和$ \ beta- $进程演化而成。 $ \ alpha- $过程对应于具有增长和优先附件的Barab \'{a} si-AlbertSFN模型的有向版本,而对于$ \ beta- $过程,仅在不存在附加节点之间进行优先附件的建立新节点。我们首先考虑对称优先附着的“纯” $ \ alpha- $过程(具有相同的进出度),然后通过改变耦合强度$ J $和噪声强度$ D $研究突发和尖峰同步的出现固定的依恋度突发和尖峰同步的表征还可以通过采用实际的阶次参数和统计机械方法来进行。接下来,我们选择仅发生突发同步的适当值$ J $和$ D $,并通过改变(1)对称附着度和(2)不对称参数(表示(\ alpha- $)过程中的对称对称性偏差),以及(3)$ \ beta- $过程的出现概率。在所有这三种情况下,结合网络拓扑研究人口同步的类型和程度,例如程度分布,平均路径长度$ L_p $和中间集权$ B_c $。因此,发现不仅$ L_p $和$ B_c $(影响节点之间的全局通信),而且度内分布(影响各个动态)也是实现SFN中有效人口同步的重要网络因素。



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